Potential of Miniaturized Thermoacoustic Engines for Power Generation in Automotive and Space Applications

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportConference contributionContributed



Thermoacoustic devices convert heat into a sound wave and vice versa. Combined with an acoustic-to- electric converter, generation of electrical power out of heat can be realized. Due to the simple design and relative high efficiency, they are expected to be a serious alternative to common heat engines. To provide some efforts to the potential application in the recovery of automotive exhaust heat, thermoacoustic engines are investigated by TU Dresden within the scope of a project funded by the Friedrich-und-Elisabeth-Boysen Stiftung. Thermoacoustic engines designed for this purpose have to fulfil similar requirements like engines developed for space flight or for automotive refrigerators. In order to evaluate their potential, extensive analysis and tests are essential. Within this publication, the thermoacoustic working principle and past developments are reviewed in detail in order to extract design criteria and further development steps for the expected application. The results of this paper act as the basis for future investigations.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 62nd German Aerospace Congress (DGLR)
Place of PublicationStuttgart, Sept. 10-12
Publication statusPublished - 2013
