Poincaré meets Korn via Maxwell: Extending Korn's first inequality to incompatible tensor fields

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Patrizio Neff - , University of Duisburg-Essen (Author)
  • Dirk Pauly - , Institute of Analysis, University of Duisburg-Essen (Author)
  • Karl Josef Witsch - , University of Duisburg-Essen (Author)


For a bounded domain Ω⊂R3 with Lipschitz boundary Γ and some relatively open Lipschitz subset Γt≠θ of Γ, we prove the existence of some c>0, such that(0.1)c{norm of matrix}T{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3)≤{norm of matrix}symT{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3)+{norm of matrix}CurlT{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3) holds for all tensor fields in H(Curl;Ω), i.e., for all square-integrable tensor fields T:Ω→R3×3 with square-integrable generalized rotation CurlT:Ω→R3×3, having vanishing restricted tangential trace on Γt. If Γt=θ, (0.1) still holds at least for simply connected Ω and for all tensor fields T∈H(Curl;Ω) which are L2(Ω)-perpendicular to so(3), i.e., to all skew-symmetric constant tensors. Here, both operations, Curl and tangential trace, are to be understood row-wise.For compatible tensor fields T=;v, (0.1) reduces to a non-standard variant of the well known Korn's first inequality in R3, namelyc{norm of matrix};v{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3)≤{norm of matrix}sym;v{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3) for all vector fields v∈H1(Ω,R3), for which ;vn, n=1, . . ., 3, are normal at Γt. On the other hand, identifying vector fields v∈H1(Ω,R3) (having the proper boundary conditions) with skew-symmetric tensor fields T, (0.1) turns to Poincaré's inequality since2c{norm of matrix}v{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3)=c{norm of matrix}T{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3)≤{norm of matrix}CurlT{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3×3)≤2{norm of matrix};v{norm of matrix}L2(Ω,R3). Therefore, (0.1) may be viewed as a natural common generalization of Korn's first and Poincaré's inequality. From another point of view, (0.1) states that one can omit compatibility of the tensor field T at the expense of measuring the deviation from compatibility through CurlT. Decisive tools for this unexpected estimate are the classical Korn's first inequality, Helmholtz decompositions for mixed boundary conditions and the Maxwell estimate.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1267-1302
Number of pages36
JournalJournal of differential equations
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2015

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-4155-7297/work/145224242


ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • Helmholtz decomposition, Incompatible tensors, Korn's inequality, Maxwell's equations, Poincaré type inequalities, Tangential traces