Photo-luminescence layer in the optical spectral region and in adjacent spectral regions

Research output: Intellectual Property › Patent application/Patent




This invention relates to a photoluminescent layer in the optical and adjoining spectral regions based on a solid solution of organic dyes. The photoluminescent layer consists of organic dye molecules with a low dye concentration and a matrix material of metal oxides, with the matrix material having a slightly sub-stoichiometric oxygen content. A method and a device for producing the photoluminescent layer are described.


This invention relates to a photoluminescent layer in the optical and adjoining spectral regions based on a solid solution of organic dyes. The photoluminescent layer consists of organic dye molecules with a low dye concentration and a matrix material of metal oxides, with the matrix material having a slightly sub-stoichiometric oxygen content. A method and a device for producing the photoluminescent layer are described.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 33/ 00 A I
Patent numberUS7101626
Priority date23 Feb 2000
Priority numberWO2000DE00498
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2006
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