Organic zener diode, electronic circuit, and method for operating an organic zener diode

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent application/Patent


  • Novaled GmbH
  • 诺弗雷德有限公司


The invention relates to an organic Zener diode having an electrode and a counterelectrode and an organic layer arrangement between and in contact with the electrode and the counterelectrode, wherein the organic layer arrangement comprises the following organic layers: an electrically n-doped charge carrier injection layer on the electrode side comprising a mixture of an organic matrix material and an n-dopant, an electrically p-doped charge carrier injection layer on the counterelectrode side comprising a mixture of a further organic matrix material that can selectively be identical to the matrix material in the electrically n-doped charge carrier injection layer on the electrode side, and a p-dopant and an organic intermediate layer that is not doped and is disposed between the electrically n-doped charge carrier injection layer on the electrode side and the electrically p-doped charge carrier injection layer on the counterelectrode side. The invention further relates to an electronic circuit configuration having an organic Zener diode and to a method for operating an organic Zener diode.


The invention relates to an organic Zener diode having an electrode and a counterelectrode and an organic layer arrangement between and in contact with the electrode and the counterelectrode, wherein the organic layer arrangement comprises the following organic layers: an electrically n-doped charge carrier injection layer on the electrode side comprising a mixture of an organic matrix material and an n-dopant, an electrically p-doped charge carrier injection layer on the counterelectrode side comprising a mixture of a further organic matrix material that can selectively be identical to the matrix material in the electrically n-doped charge carrier injection layer on the electrode side, and a p-dopant and an organic intermediate layer that is not doped and is disposed between the electrically n-doped charge carrier injection layer on the electrode side and the electrically p-doped charge carrier injection layer on the counterelectrode side. The invention further relates to an electronic circuit configuration having an organic Zener diode and to a method for operating an organic Zener diode.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 05 A I
Patent numberCN102388475
Priority date19 Mar 2010
Priority numberWO2010DE00332
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2012
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