Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent application/Patent


  • TUD Dresden University of Technology


The invention relates to an organic component emitting white light upward having an electrode (1), a counter electrode (2) constructed in a transparent manner and as a cover electrode and an arrangement of organic layers (3) which is disposed in contact with and between the electrode (1) and the counter electrode (2) and which is configured to emit light when applying an electrical potential to the electrode (1) and the counter electrode (2), a cover layer (6) is applied to a side of the counter electrode (2) facing away from the arrangement of organic layers (3), having a thickness in nanometres within a layer thickness range D as follows: D=d±(0.2×d), wherein d=10.4n2−75n+150 and n is the optical refractive index of the cover layer (6).


The invention relates to an organic component emitting white light upward having an electrode (1), a counter electrode (2) constructed in a transparent manner and as a cover electrode and an arrangement of organic layers (3) which is disposed in contact with and between the electrode (1) and the counter electrode (2) and which is configured to emit light when applying an electrical potential to the electrode (1) and the counter electrode (2), a cover layer (6) is applied to a side of the counter electrode (2) facing away from the arrangement of organic layers (3), having a thickness in nanometres within a layer thickness range D as follows: D=d±(0.2×d), wherein d=10.4n2−75n+150 and n is the optical refractive index of the cover layer (6).

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 52 A I
Patent numberUS2010237333
Priority date20 Jun 2008
Priority numberWO2008DE01016
Publication statusPublished - 23 Sept 2010
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