Optimierung der Spülwasserbehandlung im Wasserwerk Muldenberg des Zweckverbandes Fernwasser Südsachsen (engl.: Optimisation of the flushing water treatment in the Muldenberg waterworks of the Zweckverband Fernwasser Südsachsen)
Research output: Types of thesis › Bachelor thesis
Die nachfolgende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Spülabwasserbehandlung im Wasserwerk Muldenberg. Die Anlage dient zur Aufbereitung der im Wasserwerk anfallenden Abwässer aus den Filterspülungen, wobei untersucht werden soll wie diese verbessert werden kann. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf der Sicherung vorgegebener Klarwasserparameter bei maximaler Kapazität der Anlage. Aber auch die Probleme und die Vermeidung des Sandeintrages in das Absetzbecken, sowie die Verbesserung der Schlammeigenschaften sollen in dieser Arbeit betrachtet werden. Im Stand der Technik wird auf andere Möglichkeiten eingegangen, die zur Aufbereitung des Spülabwasser dienen können. Dazu werden auch die Einflüsse auf den Absetzprozess und die Eindickung genauer untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Einwirkungen der Chemikalienzugabe liegt. Um dies genauer zu betrachten, wurden Versuche zur Flockungs- und Flockungshilfsmitteldosierung, für die beiden Filterstufen, durchgeführt. Diese brachten den größten Zeitaufwand mit sich. Dabei wurde eine große Datenmenge gesammelt, die den Einfluss von Messfehlern vermeiden sollte. Sie wurde anschließend auf statistische Repräsentativität geprüft. Aus den Versuchen zeigte sich, dass die Sedimentation durch eine Veränderung der Chemikalienzugabe verbessert werden kann. In der ersten Filterstufe sind höhere Eliminierungsgrade durch das Aussetzen der Flockungsmittelzugabe zu verzeichnen. Für die zweite Filterstufe ergab sich eine äußerst heterogene Verteilung, die eine Behandlung mit Chemikalien schwierig gestaltete. Die Erkenntnisse aus den Versuchen wurden an der Großanlage getestet, wodurch sich diese bestätigten. In der Diskussion werden Lösungsansätze für die Sandproblematik diskutiert und wie die Schlammeigenschaften verbessert werden können. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dennoch bei der Chemikalienzugabe, die auf die Einstellung von optimalen Absetzzeiten den größten Einfluss hat.
The following work deals with the possibilities of optimising the flushing wastewater treatment in the Muldenberg waterworks. The plant is used to treat the wastewater from filter rinsing that accumulates in the waterworks, and the aim is to investigate how this can be improved. The focus here is on securing specified clear water parameters at maximum capacity of the plant. But also the problems and the avoidance of sand ingress into the sedimentation tank, as well as the improvement of the sludge properties are to be considered in this work. In the state of the art, other possibilities that can be used for the treatment of the flushing wastewater are discussed. To this end, the influences on the settling process and thickening are also examined in more detail, with the focus on the effects of the addition of chemicals. To look at this in more detail, experiments were carried out on flocculation and flocculation aid dosing, for the two filter stages. These involved the greatest amount of time. A large amount of data was collected to avoid the influence of measurement errors. It was then tested for statistical representativeness. The experiments showed that sedimentation can be improved by changing the addition of chemicals. In the first filter stage, higher degrees of elimination were recorded by suspending the addition of flocculant. For the second filter stage, there was an extremely heterogeneous distribution, which made treatment with chemicals difficult. The findings from the experiments were tested on the large-scale plant, which confirmed them. In the discussion, possible solutions for the sand problem are discussed and how the sludge properties can be improved. The focus is nevertheless on the addition of chemicals, which has the greatest influence on the setting of optimal settling times.
The following work deals with the possibilities of optimising the flushing wastewater treatment in the Muldenberg waterworks. The plant is used to treat the wastewater from filter rinsing that accumulates in the waterworks, and the aim is to investigate how this can be improved. The focus here is on securing specified clear water parameters at maximum capacity of the plant. But also the problems and the avoidance of sand ingress into the sedimentation tank, as well as the improvement of the sludge properties are to be considered in this work. In the state of the art, other possibilities that can be used for the treatment of the flushing wastewater are discussed. To this end, the influences on the settling process and thickening are also examined in more detail, with the focus on the effects of the addition of chemicals. To look at this in more detail, experiments were carried out on flocculation and flocculation aid dosing, for the two filter stages. These involved the greatest amount of time. A large amount of data was collected to avoid the influence of measurement errors. It was then tested for statistical representativeness. The experiments showed that sedimentation can be improved by changing the addition of chemicals. In the first filter stage, higher degrees of elimination were recorded by suspending the addition of flocculant. For the second filter stage, there was an extremely heterogeneous distribution, which made treatment with chemicals difficult. The findings from the experiments were tested on the large-scale plant, which confirmed them. In the discussion, possible solutions for the sand problem are discussed and how the sludge properties can be improved. The focus is nevertheless on the addition of chemicals, which has the greatest influence on the setting of optimal settling times.
Original language | German |
Qualification level | Bachelor of Science |
Awarding Institution | |
Supervisors/Advisors |
Defense Date (Date of certificate) | 13 Dec 2018 |
Publication status | Published - 2018 |
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Sustainable Development Goals
- Trinkwasser, Wasseraufbereitung, Filterspülung, Spülabwasserbehandlung