Offer and Demand of Fleet Management Systems in Forwarding Companies

Research output: Types of ThesisMaster thesis


Modern ITC makes it possible for freight forwarding companies to manage their operating fleets of units in new ways, and makes the right information available at the right time and right place. This Study is built around the concept of fleet management in logistics and transportation industry, focusing on relevant telematics application systems: Fleet Management Systems. They are electronic tools which integrate information flow of transportation process: the positioning of vehicle in motion is done with GPS and its status is controlled through on-board systems placed in the driver´s cab. Location and status information is then transmitted to the communication server via GPRS/GMS network where the server posts the information to clients through internet and it becomes available for presentation in a web-based map toll. Afterwards, planning decisions and updates are transferred back to the vehicle. Thus they enable more efficient routing, monitoring, dispatch, maintenance and management of vehicle fleet to be performed. The implementation of such intelligent systems also brings many benefits to public transport, rail freight transport and shipping companies. As practical utilization, certain fleet management cases are presented with situations in German shipping company and China Post. The practice proved that customizable and innovative FMS have good value of application and popularity.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
Publication statusPublished - 2012
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Thesis



  • Freight forwarding companies, Telematics, Fleet Manangement Systems