Nutzung von Wahrnehmungsmerkmalen für die Beurteilung von Humanschwingungen: Wahrnehmungsmerkmale können als Grundlage für die systematische Beurteilung und Gestaltung von Ganzkörperschwingungen dienen

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportConference contributionContributedpeer-review



In everyday life we often encounter whole body vibration occurring simultaneously to sounds. These vibration can convey important information about the environment. They can not only be interpreted as a cause of annoyance. For example the driver of a vehicle can perceive the condition of the road or of the car itself tactilely. The vibration elicits certain perceptual attributes which he can verbalize (e.g. "shaky", "tingling"). These perceptual attributes are dependent on the vibration signal properties as frequency, amplitude or signal shape. In order to systematically assess the conveyed information the elicited perceptual attributes of whole-body vibration were determined. For this purpose, laymen were presented sinusoidal stimuli from 1 Hz to 500 Hz at 2 levels over a hydraulic motion platform and an electrodynamic shaker. In a free interview test subjects came up with perceptual attributes elicited by these vibrations. With the help of a thesaurus to eliminate redundancy these attributes were filtered for the most frequent occurrences. Subsequently all stimuli were presented again for the rating of the suitability of each frequent perceptual attribute in describing the presented vibration on a Rohrmann scale (e.g. "not at all shaky" to "very shaky"). The results showed a systematic relationship between the vibration properties and the elicited perceptual attributes. This relationship can be a basis for the systematic assessment and design of vibration. In an example application scenario vibrations were presented according to the desired perceptual attributes to be elicited in accelerating car. These vibrations were perceived at least as sportive as the original recordings. Therefore, models of perceptual attributes can be utilized for the systematic design of whole-body vibration, e.g. for the development of driving assistance systems.


Translated title of the contribution
Using perceptual attributes for the evaluation of human vibration
Perceptual attributes can be the basis for the systematic assessment and design of whole-body vibration
Original languageGerman
Title of host publication7. VDI-Tagung Humanschwingungen 2018
PublisherVDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Number of pages11
ISBN (electronic)78-3-18-102322-8
ISBN (print)978-3-18-092322-2
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

Translated title of the contribution
Using perceptual attributes for the evaluation of human vibration
Perceptual attributes can be the basis for the systematic assessment and design of whole-body vibration
SeriesVDI Berichte


Title7th VDI conference on Human vibrations
Abbreviated titleHuman vibrations 2018
Conference number7
Duration24 - 25 April 2018

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-3496-441X/work/142232464
ORCID /0000-0002-0803-8818/work/142257021
Scopus 85106029870


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