New Evidence on Nonresponse in Household Travel Surveys

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleContributedpeer-review


Decline in response rates has increased awareness in the research community for the necessity of more detailed nonresponse analyses. This paper presents results of a follow-up study to the cross-sectional household travel survey, “Mobility in Cities – SrV 2018”. This nonresponse survey covered socio-demographic, travel-related, and trip-related information of 3,108 individuals distributed across the 112 municipalities of the main survey. Response-propensity models were developed which examine drop-out mechanisms and participation probabilities. Education was identified as an explanatory variable; however, there are no indications that this played a factor in weighting for improving the representativeness of reporting-day-specific travel patterns.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)233–245
Number of pages13
JournalTransportation Research Procedia
Issue number76
Publication statusPublished - 2024


Title12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods
SubtitleTravel Survey and Big data: how to make the best of both worlds
Abbreviated titleISCTSC 2022
Conference number12
Duration20 - 25 March 2022
Degree of recognitionInternational event
LocationHotel Golf Mar
CityPraia de Porto Novo

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0001-7857-3077/work/151433572
ORCID /0000-0002-6028-6317/work/151434979
Scopus 85184306646
Mendeley 0ab20b8d-3e98-3f15-a138-9874dccf834f



  • Propensity Score, Weighting, Bias, Non-Sampling Error, Selectivity, Nonresponse, Household Travel Survey