Multimodal Playback Device for Violin Sounds

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportConference contributionContributed


In the past, several studies have shown that the degree of vibration at the neck of violins influences the player's perception of certain features of the instrument. In a current research project, this influence is investigated in more detail by examining the influence of different spectral properties of the vibration signal. For this purpose, a device has been built that can reproduce both the sound and the vibrations of acoustic violins. On this basis, the vibration signal can be manipulated while the acoustic signal is kept constant. The device is based on an electric violin, which has the same ergonomic characteristics as acoustic violins. However, it emits less sound when excited. This paper presents a pilot study that validates this concept by comparing reproduced stimuli and notes played with the bow on an acoustic violin.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTagungsband / Proceedings "Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024"
PublisherDeutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)
ISBN (print)978-3-939296-22-5
Publication statusPublished - 2024


Title50th German Annual Conference on Acoustics
Abbreviated titleDAGA 2024
Conference number50
Duration18 - 21 March 2024
LocationHannover Congress Centrum HCC

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-0803-8818/work/159172459
