Multifunctional, self-cleaning air filters based on graphene-enhanced ceramic networks

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review



Particulate air pollution takes an enormous toll on society; it is linked to more than 3 million deaths annually. In addition, airborne microorganisms can spread dangerous diseases, compounding the issue. A widely used method for mitigating the risks of airborne particles is air filtration. While effective at particle removal, conventional air filters typically lack additional functionalities. They cannot inactivate accumulated contaminants, and they require periodic replacement to remain safe. This work presents a multifunctional, self-cleaning air-filtration system using a graphene-enhanced air filter medium (GeFM). The GeFM is capable of capturing >95% of microorganisms and particles >1 μm and can be repeatedly joule heated to >300°C, regenerating the filter. Furthermore, the GeFM provides unique options for monitoring the airflow and loading status of the filter. The GeFM can improve filter lifetime and safety, offering great potential for the development of advanced and likely more sustainable air-filtration solutions in the future.


Original languageEnglish
Article number100098
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2023



  • DTI-3: Develop, graphene, hybrid materials, multifunctional filter, pathogen filter, self-cleaning