Modification of the load introduction system for biaxial tensile tests on carbon-reinforced concrete

Research output: Contribution to conferencesPaperContributed



In planar structural elements, such as parking and traffic areas, biaxial stress states occur, which are caused by thermally and hygroscopically induced deformations. In order to avoid cracks, movement and dummy joints are used in which pollutants such as chlorides, sulphates and alkalis are concentrated and contribute to the destruction of the concrete components. Joints or cracks can be covered with carbon-reinforced concrete (CRC). The expansion of the CRC layer creates biaxial tensile stresses in intersecting joints, which can lead to cracks. Instead of a single crack or joint, the CRC layer creates a finely spread crack pattern with evenly distributed crack widths. In biaxial tensile tests on CRC, creating a uniform, controllable stress state in the specimen is challenging, as the stress state depends on the shape of the specimen, the material and the load introduction. This results in a material boundary disturbance due to the strengthening of the specimen in the load introduction area on the one hand and a geometric boundary disturbance due to the formation of load introduction teeth on the other hand, which participate in the load transfer of the specimen by increasing the cross-section. To identify a suitable specimen geometry for biaxial tensile tests on carbon-reinforced concrete, three different specimen types are examined and compared with regard to their stress distribution using finite element method. For the biaxial tensile tests, a load introduction that allows constraint-free deformation of the specimen in both load directions and a biaxial test rig with low self-deformation under load are designed. By modifying the load introduction system for biaxial tensile tests, a homogeneous stress state is to be generated in the test specimens so that the influence of biaxial tensile stresses on the load-bearing and deformation behavior of CRC layers can be studied.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2024


TitleXI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Abbreviated titleBEFIB 2024
Conference number11
Duration15 - 18 September 2024
Degree of recognitionInternational event
LocationDorint Hotel

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-1596-7164/work/174432170
ORCID /0009-0001-7263-5107/work/174433000
