Modern connections in the future eurocode 5 - Overview of current developments

Research output: Contribution to conferencesPaperContributedpeer-review


  • Robert Jockwer - , Chair of Timber Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology (Author)
  • Frank Brühl - , Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (Author)
  • Jose Manuel Cabrero Ballarin - , University of Navarra (Author)
  • Ulrich Hübner - , The Austrian Wood Industries (Author)
  • Ad Leijten - , Eindhoven University of Technology (Author)
  • Jørgen Munch-Anderssen - , Aalborg University (Author)
  • Keerthi Ranasinghe - , University of Wales (Author)


Within the project to review Eurocode 5 also the chapter "Connections" was redrafted and updated. The existing content in the 2004 edition of Eurocode 5 was updated regarding harmonisation, reduction of number of National Determined Parameters (NDP's), simplification, effective material usage (positive effect on climate change) and safety. A special focus was put to the ease of use while new design rules were integrated into the chapter. New design rules for glued in rods, brittle failure modes such as row shear, shear plug and block shear as well as modern carpentry connections, and others. In this paper an overview and insight in the developments of the new chapter "Connections" in Eurocode 5 is be given.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021


TitleWorld Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021
Duration9 - 12 August 2021

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-0767-684X/work/168208015


Sustainable Development Goals

ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • Connections, Design codes, Dowel type fasteners, Eurocode 5, Joints, Standardisation