Method of mode coupling detection and damping and usage for electrostatic mems mirrors

Research output: Intellectual property › Patent application/Patent


  • David Brunner - , Vienna University of Technology (Inventor)
  • Stephan Gerhard Albert - (Inventor)
  • Franz Michael Darrer - (Inventor)
  • Georg Schitter - , Vienna University of Technology (Inventor)
  • Richard Schroedter - , Chair of Fundamentals of Electronic (Inventor)
  • Han Woong Yoo - , Vienna University of Technology (Inventor)


A scanning system includes a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) scanning structure configured with a desired rotational mode of movement based on a driving signal; a plurality of comb-drives configured to drive the MEMS scanning structure according to the desired rotational mode of movement based on the driving signal, each comb-drive including a rotor comb electrode and a stator comb electrode that form a capacitive element that has a capacitance that depends on the deflection angle of the MEMS scanning structure; a driver configured to generate the at least one driving signal; a sensing circuit selectively coupled to at least a subset of the plurality of comb-drives for receiving sensing signals therefrom, wherein each sensing signal is representative of the capacitance of a corresponding comb-drive; and a processing circuit configured to determine a scanning direction of the MEMS scanning structure in the desired rotational mode of movement based on the sensing signals.


A scanning system includes a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) scanning structure configured with a desired rotational mode of movement based on a driving signal; a plurality of comb-drives configured to drive the MEMS scanning structure according to the desired rotational mode of movement based on the driving signal, each comb-drive including a rotor comb electrode and a stator comb electrode that form a capacitive element that has a capacitance that depends on the deflection angle of the MEMS scanning structure; a driver configured to generate the at least one driving signal; a sensing circuit selectively coupled to at least a subset of the plurality of comb-drives for receiving sensing signals therefrom, wherein each sensing signal is representative of the capacitance of a corresponding comb-drive; and a processing circuit configured to determine a scanning direction of the MEMS scanning structure in the desired rotational mode of movement based on the sensing signals.
Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)GO2B 26/08 ,GO2B 26/10,GOID 5/241
Patent numberUS20220187590A1
Country/TerritoryUnited States of America
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2022
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-3259-4571/work/142660114