Method for Producing an Organic Light-Emitting Component and Organic Light-Emitting Component

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent application/Patent



The invention relates to a method for producing an organic component having a layered arrangement, wherein the method includes the following steps: Preparing a substrate and producing a layer stack having an electrode, a counter electrode and organic layers with a light-emitting zone on the substrate, wherein the organic layers are produced between the electrode and the counter electrode, and in electrical contact with the electrode and the counter electrode, wherein the layer arrangement is produced with a light scattering functional layer containing metal oxide particles distributed randomly in two dimensions. The invention further relates to an organic light-emitting component having a layer arrangement.


The invention relates to a method for producing an organic component having a layered arrangement, wherein the method includes the following steps: Preparing a substrate and producing a layer stack having an electrode, a counter electrode and organic layers with a light-emitting zone on the substrate, wherein the organic layers are produced between the electrode and the counter electrode, and in electrical contact with the electrode and the counter electrode, wherein the layer arrangement is produced with a light scattering functional layer containing metal oxide particles distributed randomly in two dimensions. The invention further relates to an organic light-emitting component having a layer arrangement.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 56 A I
Patent numberUS2015364724
Priority date20 Dec 2013
Priority numberWO2013DE100436
Publication statusPublished - 17 Dec 2015
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