Measurement of the neutron and gamma spectra at the training and research reactor AKR-2

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The reactor γ-ray spectrum is formed by superposition of various sources, namely γ-ray spectrum from neutron capture, inelastic scattering or other reactions with their characteristic discrete γ rays and a prompt fission γ-ray spectrum (PFGS) of fissile materials, which has only continuous component. The main discrete γ rays in thermal-neutron reactor have energies below 10 MeV. Due to this fact, one can assume that above 10 MeV the studied γ-ray spectrum is nearly identical with 235U(nth., fiss) PFGS, as 235U fission causes more than 99.9 % of total fission in AKR-2. The measurement was performed with scintillation spectrometry using stilbene crystal 45 × 45 mm and newly developed and well validated gamma response matrix. The obtained spectrum is consistent with previous measurements performed in the LR-0 reactor and it is worth noting that a good agreement was reached with the new evaluation used in ENDF\B-VIII.0 nuclear data library.


Original languageEnglish
Article number111194
JournalAnnals of Nuclear Energy
Publication statusPublished - May 2025
