Management effects on European cropland respiration

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Werner Eugster - , ETH Zurich (Author)
  • Antje M. Moffat - , Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Author)
  • Eric Ceschia - , Centre national d'études spatiales (Author)
  • Marc Aubinet - , University of Liege (Author)
  • Christof Ammann - , Agroscope Research Institute (Author)
  • Bruce Osborne - , University College Dublin (Author)
  • Phillip A. Davis - , University College Dublin (Author)
  • Pete Smith - , University of Aberdeen (Author)
  • Cor Jacobs - , Wageningen University & Research (WUR) (Author)
  • Eddy Moors - , Wageningen University & Research (WUR) (Author)
  • Valérie Le Dantec - , Centre national d'études spatiales (Author)
  • Pierre Béziat - , Centre national d'études spatiales (Author)
  • Matthew Saunders - , University College Dublin (Author)
  • Wilma Jans - , Wageningen University & Research (WUR) (Author)
  • Thomas Grünwald - , Chair of Meteorology (Author)
  • Corinna Rebmann - , Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Author)
  • Werner L. Kutsch - , Johann Heinrich von Thunen Institute (Author)
  • Radek Czerný - , Czech Academy of Sciences (Author)
  • Dalibor Janouš - , Czech Academy of Sciences (Author)
  • Christine Moureaux - , University of Liege (Author)
  • Delphine Dufranne - , University of Liege (Author)
  • Arnaud Carrara - , Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) (Author)
  • Vincenzo Magliulo - , CNR Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (Author)
  • Paul Di Tommasi - , CNR Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (Author)
  • Jørgen E. Olesen - , Aarhus University (Author)
  • Kirsten Schelde - , Aarhus University (Author)
  • Albert Olioso - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Christian Bernhofer - , Chair of Meteorology (Author)
  • Pierre Cellier - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Eric Larmanou - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Benjamin Loubet - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Martin Wattenbach - , University of Aberdeen (Author)
  • Olivier Marloie - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Maria José Sanz - , Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) (Author)
  • Henrik Søgaard - , University of Copenhagen (Author)
  • Nina Buchmann - , ETH Zurich (Author)


Increases in respiration rates following management activities in croplands are considered a relevant anthropogenic source of CO2. In this paper, we quantify the impact of management events on cropland respiration fluxes of CO2 as they occur under current climate and management conditions. Our findings are based on all available CarboEurope IP eddy covariance flux measurements during a 4-year period (2004-2007). Detailed management information was available for 15 out of the 22 sites that contributed flux data, from which we compiled 30 types of management for European-scale comparison. This allowed us to address the question of how management activities influence ecosystem respiration. This was done by comparing respiration fluxes during 7, 14, and 28 days after the management with those observed during the matching time period before management. Median increases in respiration ranged from +83% (early season tillage) to -50% (rice paddy flooding and burning of rice residues) on the 28 days time scale, when only management types with a minimum of 7 replications are considered. Most management types showed a large variation among events and between sites, indicating that additional factors other than management alone are also important at a given site. Temperature is the climatic factor that showed best correlation with site-specific respiration fluxes. Therefore, the effect of temperature changes between the time periods before and after management were taken into account for a subset of 13 management types with adequate statistical coverage of at least 5 events during the years 2004-2007. In this comparison, late-season moldboard ploughing (30-45. cm) led to highest median increase in respiration on the 7 days timescale (+43%), which was still +15% in the 28 days comparison. On average, however, management-induced increases in respiration losses from croplands were quite moderate (typically <20% increase over 28 days).An assessment of extreme values in daily respiration fluxes using the Gumbel distribution approach revealed that sites with larger average respiration fluxes also experience the larger extremes in respiration fluxes. This suggests that it is very unlikely that sites that generally have low respiration rates will have exceedingly high respiration rates as a result of certain specific management events.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)346-362
Number of pages17
JournalAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2010

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-2263-0073/work/163766002


Sustainable Development Goals


  • CarboEurope, Carbon fluxes, Cropland management, Eddy covariance, Gumbel distribution, Light response, Ploughing, Tillage