Light emitting component with organic layers

Research output: Intellectual Property › Patent application/Patent



The invention relates to a light emitting component with organic layers, especially an organic light- emitting diode, comprising a substrate (1), at least one light emitting layer (5), and at least one charge carrier transport layer for perforations (7), having a cathode (2) on the substrate and light emission arising through the anode (8). The invention is characterised in that the transport layer for the perforations (7) is p-doped with an organic material.


The invention relates to a light emitting component with organic layers, especially an organic light- emitting diode, comprising a substrate (1), at least one light emitting layer (5), and at least one charge carrier transport layer for perforations (7), having a cathode (2) on the substrate and light emission arising through the anode (8). The invention is characterised in that the transport layer for the perforations (7) is p-doped with an organic material.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 40 A N
Patent numberKR20040018503
Priority date5 Jul 2002
Priority numberWO2002DE02467
Publication statusPublished - 3 Mar 2004
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