Investitionsentscheidungen im Breitbandausbau

Research output: Types of ThesisMaster thesis


The master thesis is concerned with the topic investment decisions of broadband development. After a description of the current broadband situation follows the analysis of the constraints and opportunities for a comprehensive optical fibre extension in Germany. The aim is focused in the point, that the big network operators do not advance a fibre – to – the – home – extension (FTTH) at the current point in time. The former reasons, why an optical fibre extension is not focused in the german broadband market, are the high investment costs. The own calculations support the consideration and result in the conclusion, that in addition to the financial reasons also confirm competitive and market technical reasons as constraints. As essential impact extent for the optical fibre extension in Germany counts the estimate interest rate and the price development in the broadband market. Thereby the own calculations reach the conclusion, that a comprehensive fibre – to – the – home – extension is only possible, if the market gets a rising price of the end customer price, a humble investment interest rate or a cooperation between a network operator and an investor as example, Internet service provider.


Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
Publication statusPublished - 2014
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Thesis



  • Breitbandausbau, Investitionsentscheidungen