Impact of game browsing and hunting strategies on climate resilience and development of our forests

Research output: Contribution to conferencesPresentation slidesContributedpeer-review



The predicted far-reaching climate changes make it necessary to adapt the management of forests. Investigations into the effects of different management strategies is the aim of the joint project WiWaldI. Maintaining functional diversity in forest ecosystems means being able to secure a minimum of adaptation options for forest development in the future.
The Chair of Forest Protection at the Technical University of Dresden is responsible for assessing the effects and potential of regulation measures with regard to the influence of game. For this purpose, the occurring game species, game condition, game management and habitat structures are considered. Strongly distributed herbivores such as roe deer and their influence on forest development are in conflict with human objectives. In this context, the results obtained from the investigations and the comparison of interdisciplinary data collections by the project partners are used to derive statements on ecological and economic assessment, forest development influenced by game, an adapted hunting and the implementation of a future-oriented development of forests. A multifactorial approach is the new approach in order to approximate dynamic processes. Biodiversity conservation is a decisive objective in politics and practice to prepare ways into the future under today's impacts on forest ecosystems.
The presentation will discuss the embedding of stability factors that can be influenced by humans, the experimental design and methodology for recording influencing factors and preliminary results for sustainable development.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024


TitleXXVI World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations 2024
Abbreviated titleIUFRO 2024
Conference number26
Duration23 - 29 June 2024
Degree of recognitionInternational event
LocationThe Stockholm Exhibition and Congress Centre


Research priority areas of TU Dresden