Ground-state energy of uranium diatomic quasimolecules with one and two electrons

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Artem A. Kotov - (Author)
  • Dmitry A. Glazov - (Author)
  • Aleksei V. Malyshev - (Author)
  • Anastasia V. Vladimirova - (Author)
  • Vladimir M. Shabaev - (Author)
  • Günter Plunien - , Chair of Theoretical Quantum Optics (Author)


Ground-state energies of the one- and two-electron uranium dimers are calculated for internuclear distances in the range D=40–1,000 fm and compared with the previous calculations. The generalization of the dual-kinetic-balance approach for axially symmetric systems is employed to solve the two-center Dirac equation without the partial-wave expansion for the potential of two nuclei. The one-electron one-loop QED contributions (self-energy and vacuum polarization) to the ground-state energy are evaluated using the monopole approximation for the two-center potential. Interelectronic interaction of the first and second order is taken into account for the two-electron quasimolecule. Within the QED approach, one-photon-exchange contribution is calculated in the two-center potential, whereas the two-photon-exchange contribution is treated in the monopole approximation.


Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
JournalX-Ray Spectrometry
Publication statusPublished - 2019



  • ground-state energy, quasimolecules