GLUES GDI - Eine Geodateninfrastruktur für wissenschaftliche Umweltdaten

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review



Recently, the publication of scientific data and therewith the implementation of research infrastructures in the Web is getting more and more attention. However, spatial data infrastructures respectively their components are hardly used in research infrastructures of environmental data. This paper reports experiences from the implementation of a scientific spatial data infrastructure supporting the data exchange within a land management and climate change research program.
The publication of scientific environmental data has specific requirements on the spatial data infrastructure. The focus of this article is particularly on the description of data provenance, the support of time series data and distributed geoprocessing in support of scientific work and data preparation. Here, scientific environmental data and also the scientists as specific user group have particular requirements, which are usually not completely supported by available tools. Therefore, the introduced scientific spatial data infrastructure contains a set of specific tools, for example, to support an interactive visualization of data provenance and time series data. The article illustrates and discusses these particular implementations of the GLUES GDI as well as the overall stage of development after four years of project duration.
Translated title of the contribution
GLUES GDI - A spatial data infrastructure for scientific environmental data


Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)129-137
Number of pages9
Journalgis.Science - Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik
Publication statusPublished - 2014

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-9016-1996/work/144671015
ORCID /0000-0002-5181-4368/work/144671057
ORCID /0000-0002-3085-7457/work/154192816


Sustainable Development Goals


  • Wissenschaftliche Geodateninfrastruktur, SDI, Austausch von Umweltmodellen, e-Science, Cyberinfrastructure, Scientific spatial data infrastructure, sharing environmental models, geospatial cyberinfrastructure, e-Science, geodata infrastructure