Gerät mit in Formkörpern eingebetteten Komponenten und Verfahren zum simultanen Zerlegen hierzu

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent application/Patent


  • TUD Dresden University of Technology


The moldings (1) comprise polymers, their solidity and shape increased by the effects of suitable fluids or vapors. An Independent claim is included for dismantling of apparatus or assemblies so embedded. Solvents affect the shape and strength of the molding, causing or permitting separation. Preferably, during recycling, polymers of the moldings undergo conversion or collapse into solution. Preferably the moldings are foamed or porous.

Translated title of the contribution
Apparatus or assemblies, e.g. disc drives, enclosed in moldings made of expanded polystyrene


The moldings (1) comprise polymers, their solidity and shape increased by the effects of suitable fluids or vapors. An Independent claim is included for dismantling of apparatus or assemblies so embedded. Solvents affect the shape and strength of the molding, causing or permitting separation. Preferably, during recycling, polymers of the moldings undergo conversion or collapse into solution. Preferably the moldings are foamed or porous.

Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)C08J 11/ 08 A I
Patent numberDE19813938
Priority date28 Mar 1998
Priority numberDE19981013938
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 1999
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-8588-9755/work/142659695