Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties (vol 649, A1, 2021)

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationCorrections (errata and retractions)peer-review


  • A. G. A. Brown - (Author)
  • A. Vallenari - (Author)
  • T. Prusti - (Author)
  • J. H. J. de Bruijne - (Author)
  • C. Babusiaux - (Author)
  • O. L. Creevey - (Author)
  • D. W. Evans - (Author)
  • L. Eyer - (Author)
  • A. Hutton - (Author)
  • F. Jansen - (Author)
  • C. Jordi - (Author)
  • S. A. Klioner - , Research Group for Astronomy (Author)
  • U. Lammers - (Author)
  • L. Lindegren - (Author)
  • X. Luri - (Author)
  • F. Mignard - (Author)
  • C. Panem - (Author)
  • D. Pourbaix - (Author)
  • S. Randich - (Author)
  • P. Sartoretti - (Author)
  • C. Soubiran - (Author)
  • N. A. Walton - (Author)
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  • M. G. Lattanzi - (Author)
  • F. van Leeuwen - (Author)
  • J. Bakker - (Author)
  • C. Cacciari - (Author)
  • J. Castaneda - (Author)
  • F. De Angeli - (Author)
  • C. Ducourant - (Author)
  • C. Fabricius - (Author)
  • M. Fouesneau - (Author)
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  • A. Jean-Antoine Piccolo - (Author)
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  • P. Tanga - (Author)
  • F. Thevenin - (Author)
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  • I. Bellas-Velidis - (Author)
  • K. Benson - (Author)
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  • A. Cellino - (Author)
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  • G. Clementini - (Author)
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  • L. Delchambre - (Author)
  • A. Dell'Oro - (Author)
  • J. Fernandez-Hernandez - (Author)
  • L. Galluccio - (Author)
  • P. Garcia-Lario - (Author)
  • M. Garcia-Reinaldos - (Author)
  • J. Gonzalez-Nunez - (Author)
  • E. Gosset - (Author)
  • R. Haigron - (Author)
  • J. -L. Halbwachs - (Author)
  • N. C. Hambly - (Author)
  • D. L. Harrison - (Author)
  • D. Hatzidimitriou - (Author)
  • U. Heiter - (Author)
  • D. Hestroffer - (Author)
  • S. T. Hodgkin - (Author)
  • B. Holl - (Author)
  • K. Janssen - (Author)
  • G. Jevardat de Fombelle - (Author)
  • S. Jordan - (Author)
  • A. Krone-Martins - (Author)
  • A. C. Lanzafame - (Author)
  • W. Loffler - (Author)
  • A. Lorca - (Author)
  • M. Manteiga - (Author)
  • O. Marchal - (Author)
  • P. M. Marrese - (Author)
  • A. Moitinho - (Author)
  • A. Mora - (Author)
  • K. Muinonen - (Author)
  • P. Osborne - (Author)
  • E. Pancino - (Author)
  • T. Pauwels - (Author)
  • J. -M. Petit - (Author)
  • A. Recio-Blanco - (Author)
  • P. J. Richards - (Author)
  • M. Riello - (Author)
  • L. Rimoldini - (Author)
  • C. Robin - (Author)
  • T. Roegiers - (Author)
  • J. Rybizki - (Author)
  • L. M. Sarro - (Author)
  • C. Siopis - (Author)
  • M. Smith - (Author)
  • A. Sozzetti - (Author)
  • A. Ulla - (Author)
  • E. Utrilla - (Author)
  • M. van Leeuwen - (Author)
  • W. van Reeven - (Author)
  • U. Abbas - (Author)
  • A. Abreu Aramburu - (Author)
  • S. Accart - (Author)
  • C. Aerts - (Author)
  • J. J. Aguado - (Author)
  • M. Ajaj - (Author)
  • G. Altavilla - (Author)
  • M. A. Alvarez - (Author)
  • J. Alvarez Cid-Fuentes - (Author)
  • J. Alves - (Author)
  • E. Anglada Varela - (Author)
  • T. Antoja - (Author)
  • M. Audard - (Author)
  • D. Baines - (Author)
  • S. G. Baker - (Author)
  • L. Balaguer-Nunez - (Author)
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  • Z. Balog - (Author)
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  • A. Baudesson-Stella - (Author)
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  • L. Bianchi - (Author)
  • S. Blanco-Cuaresma - (Author)
  • T. Boch - (Author)
  • A. Bombrun - , Chair of Astronomy (Author)
  • D. Bossini - (Author)
  • S. Bouquillon - (Author)
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  • E. Breedt - (Author)
  • A. Bressan - (Author)
  • N. Brouillet - (Author)
  • B. Bucciarelli - (Author)
  • A. Burlacu - (Author)
  • D. Busonero - (Author)
  • A. G. Butkevich - , Chair of Astronomy (Author)
  • R. Buzzi - (Author)
  • E. Caffau - (Author)
  • R. Cancelliere - (Author)
  • H. Canovas - (Author)
  • T. Cantat-Gaudin - (Author)
  • R. Carballo - (Author)
  • T. Carlucci - (Author)
  • M. I. Carnerero - (Author)
  • J. M. Carrasco - (Author)
  • L. Casamiquela - (Author)
  • M. Castellani - (Author)
  • A. Castro-Ginard - (Author)
  • P. Castro Sampol - (Author)
  • L. Chaoul - (Author)
  • P. Charlot - (Author)
  • L. Chemin - (Author)
  • A. Chiavassa - (Author)
  • M. -R. L. Cioni - (Author)
  • G. Comoretto - (Author)
  • W. J. Cooper - (Author)
  • T. Cornez - (Author)
  • S. Cowell - (Author)
  • F. Crifo - (Author)
  • M. Crosta - (Author)
  • C. Crowley - (Author)
  • C. Dafonte - (Author)
  • A. Dapergolas - (Author)
  • M. David - (Author)
  • P. de Laverny - (Author)
  • F. De Luise - (Author)
  • R. De March - (Author)
  • J. De Ridder - (Author)
  • R. de Souza - (Author)
  • P. de Teodoro - (Author)
  • A. de Torres - (Author)
  • E. F. del Peloso - (Author)
  • E. del Pozo - (Author)
  • M. Delbo - (Author)
  • A. Delgado - (Author)
  • H. E. Delgado - (Author)
  • J. -B. Delisle - (Author)
  • P. Di Matteo - (Author)
  • S. Diakite - (Author)
  • C. Diener - (Author)
  • E. Distefano - (Author)
  • C. Dolding - (Author)
  • D. Eappachen - (Author)
  • B. Edvardsson - (Author)
  • H. Enke - (Author)
  • P. Esquej - (Author)
  • C. Fabre - (Author)
  • M. Fabrizio - (Author)
  • S. Faigler - (Author)
  • G. Fedorets - (Author)
  • P. Fernique - (Author)
  • A. Fienga - (Author)
  • F. Figueras - (Author)
  • C. Fouron - (Author)
  • F. Fragkoudi - (Author)
  • E. Fraile - (Author)
  • F. Franke - (Author)
  • M. Gai - (Author)
  • D. Garabato - (Author)
  • A. Garcia-Gutierrez - (Author)
  • M. Garcia-Torres - (Author)
  • A. Garofalo - (Author)
  • P. Gavras - (Author)
  • E. Gerlach - , Research Group for Astronomy (Author)
  • R. Geyer - , Research Group for Astronomy (Author)
  • P. Giacobbe - (Author)
  • G. Gilmore - (Author)
  • S. Girona - (Author)
  • G. Giuffrida - (Author)
  • R. Gomel - (Author)
  • A. Gomez - (Author)
  • I. Gonzalez-Santamaria - (Author)
  • J. J. Gonzalez-Vidal - (Author)
  • M. Granvik - (Author)
  • R. Gutierrez-Sanchez - (Author)
  • L. P. Guy - (Author)
  • M. Haywood - (Author)
  • A. Helmi - (Author)
  • S. L. Hidalgo - (Author)
  • T. Hilger - , Research Group for Astronomy (Author)
  • N. Hladczuk - (Author)
  • D. Hobbs - (Author)
  • G. Holland - (Author)
  • H. E. Huckle - (Author)
  • G. Jasniewicz - (Author)
  • P. G. Jonker - (Author)
  • J. Juaristi Campillo - (Author)
  • F. Julbe - (Author)
  • L. Karbevska - (Author)
  • P. Kervella - (Author)
  • S. Khanna - (Author)
  • A. Kochoska - (Author)
  • M. Kontizas - (Author)
  • G. Kordopatis - (Author)
  • A. J. Korn - (Author)
  • Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska - (Author)
  • K. Kruszynska - (Author)
  • S. Lambert - (Author)
  • A. F. Lanza - (Author)
  • Y. Lasne - (Author)
  • J. -F. Le Campion - (Author)
  • Y. Le Fustec - (Author)
  • Y. Lebreton - (Author)
  • T. Lebzelter - (Author)
  • S. Leccia - (Author)
  • N. Leclerc - (Author)
  • I. Lecoeur-Taibi - (Author)
  • S. Liao - (Author)
  • E. Licata - (Author)
  • H. E. P. Lindstrom - (Author)
  • T. A. Lister - (Author)
  • E. Livanou - (Author)
  • A. Lobel - (Author)
  • P. Madrero Pardo - (Author)
  • S. Managau - (Author)
  • R. G. Mann - (Author)
  • J. M. Marchant - (Author)
  • M. Marconi - (Author)
  • M. M. S. Marcos Santos - (Author)
  • S. Marinoni - (Author)
  • F. Marocco - (Author)
  • D. J. Marshall - (Author)
  • L. Martin Polo - (Author)
  • J. M. Martin-Fleitas - (Author)
  • A. Masip - (Author)
  • D. Massari - (Author)
  • A. Mastrobuono-Battisti - (Author)
  • T. Mazeh - (Author)
  • P. J. McMillan - (Author)
  • S. Messina - (Author)
  • D. Michalik - (Author)
  • N. R. Millar - (Author)
  • A. Mints - (Author)
  • D. Molina - (Author)
  • R. Molinaro - (Author)
  • L. Molnar - (Author)
  • P. Montegriffo - (Author)
  • R. Mor - (Author)
  • R. Morbidelli - (Author)
  • T. Morel - (Author)
  • D. Morris - (Author)
  • A. F. Mulone - (Author)
  • D. Munoz - (Author)
  • T. Muraveva - (Author)
  • C. P. Murphy - (Author)
  • I. Musella - (Author)
  • L. Noval - (Author)
  • C. Ordenovic - (Author)
  • G. Orru - (Author)
  • J. Osinde - (Author)
  • C. Pagani - (Author)
  • I. Pagano - (Author)
  • L. Palaversa - (Author)
  • P. A. Palicio - (Author)
  • A. Panahi - (Author)
  • M. Pawlak - (Author)
  • X. Penalosa Esteller - (Author)
  • A. Penttila - (Author)
  • A. M. Piersimoni - (Author)
  • F. -X. Pineau - (Author)
  • E. Plachy - (Author)
  • G. Plum - (Author)
  • E. Poggio - (Author)
  • E. Poretti - (Author)
  • E. Poujoulet - (Author)
  • A. Prsa - (Author)
  • L. Pulone - (Author)
  • E. Racero - (Author)
  • S. Ragaini - (Author)
  • M. Rainer - (Author)
  • C. M. Raiteri - (Author)
  • N. Rambaux - (Author)
  • P. Ramos - (Author)
  • M. Ramos-Lerate - (Author)
  • P. Re Fiorentin - (Author)
  • S. Regibo - (Author)
  • C. Reyle - (Author)
  • V. Ripepi - (Author)
  • A. Riva - (Author)
  • G. Rixon - (Author)
  • N. Robichon - (Author)
  • C. Robin - (Author)
  • M. Roelens - (Author)
  • L. Rohrbasser - (Author)
  • M. Romero-Gomez - (Author)
  • N. Rowell - (Author)
  • F. Royer - (Author)
  • K. A. Rybicki - (Author)
  • G. Sadowski - (Author)
  • A. Sagrista Selles - (Author)
  • J. Sahlmann - (Author)
  • J. Salgado - (Author)
  • E. Salguero - (Author)
  • N. Samaras - (Author)
  • V. Sanchez Gimenez - (Author)
  • N. Sanna - (Author)
  • R. Santovena - (Author)
  • M. Sarasso - (Author)
  • M. Schultheis - (Author)
  • E. Sciacca - (Author)
  • M. Segol - (Author)
  • J. C. Segovia - (Author)
  • D. Segransan - (Author)
  • D. Semeux - (Author)
  • S. Shahaf - (Author)
  • H. I. Siddiqui - (Author)
  • A. Siebert - (Author)
  • L. Siltala - (Author)
  • E. Slezak - (Author)
  • R. L. Smart - (Author)
  • E. Solano - (Author)
  • F. Solitro - (Author)
  • D. Souami - (Author)
  • J. Souchay - (Author)
  • A. Spagna - (Author)
  • F. Spoto - (Author)
  • I. A. Steele - (Author)
  • H. Steidelmuller - , Research Group for Astronomy (Author)
  • C. A. Stephenson - (Author)
  • M. Suveges - (Author)
  • L. Szabados - (Author)
  • E. Szegedi-Elek - (Author)
  • F. Taris - (Author)
  • G. Tauran - (Author)
  • M. B. Taylor - (Author)
  • R. Teixeira - (Author)
  • W. Thuillot - (Author)
  • N. Tonello - (Author)
  • F. Torra - (Author)
  • J. Torra - (Author)
  • C. Turon - (Author)
  • N. Unger - (Author)
  • M. Vaillant - (Author)
  • E. van Dillen - (Author)
  • O. Vanel - (Author)
  • A. Vecchiato - (Author)
  • Y. Viala - (Author)
  • D. Vicente - (Author)
  • S. Voutsinas - (Author)
  • M. Weiler - (Author)
  • T. Wevers - (Author)
  • L. Wyrzykowski - (Author)
  • A. Yoldas - (Author)
  • P. Yvard - (Author)
  • H. Zhao - (Author)
  • J. Zorec - (Author)
  • S. Zucker - (Author)
  • C. Zurbach - (Author)
  • T. Zwitter - (Author)


Original languageEnglish
JournalAstronomy & astrophysics
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2021
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.ContributionToPeriodical

External IDs

Scopus 85108250115
ORCID /0000-0001-6967-8707/work/141544834



  • catalogs, astrometry, parallaxes, proper motions, techniques: photometric, errata, addenda