FMI Co-Simulation between 2D/3D component models and HVAC/control models

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportConference contributionContributedpeer-review



Detailed construction and building component models, including hygrothermal porous material transport models, can be used to model a large variaty of modern energy transfer and storage systems. These include heated concrete slabs, shallow soil heat collectors, heated wall layers, combined photovoltaic and construction panels etc. The interaction with connected HVAC systems/energy distribution systems and/or control models is, however, often limited in such tools. With the use of the FMI runtime tool coupling standard, it is possible to connect detailed component models with other simulation tools. This is illustrated in the article using the hygrothermal transport model DELPHIN. The article first describes the FMI co-simulation interface of the tool. Then, the generation of control model FMUs is shown using open-source technology for FMI generation (OpenModelica, FMICodeGenerator). Using MASTERSIM as co-simulation master, the setup of an application case (heated concrete slab) is illustrated, including two ways of manually generating control model FMUs.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBS 2021 - Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021
EditorsDirk Saelens, Jelle Laverge, Wim Boydens, Lieve Helsen
PublisherInternational Building Performance Simulation Association
Number of pages8
ISBN (electronic)9781775052029
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

SeriesBuilding Simulation Conference Proceedings


Title17th IBPSA Conference on Building Simulation 2021
Abbreviated titleBS 2021
Conference number17
Duration1 - 3 September 2021
LocationConcert Hall