Flexible Workload Generation for HPC Cluster Efficiency Benchmarking

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportChapter in book/Anthology/ReportContributedpeer-review


The High Performance Computing (HPC) community is well-accustomed to the general idea of benchmarking. In particular, the TOP500 ranking as well as its foundation—the Linpack benchmark—have shaped the field since the early 1990s. Other benchmarks with a larger workload variety such as SPEC MPI2007 are also well-accepted and often used to compare and rate a system’s computational capability. However, in a petascale and soon-to-be exascale computing environment, the power consumption of HPC systems and consequently their energy efficiency have been and continue to be of growing importance, often outrivaling all aspects that focus narrowly on raw compute performance. The Green500 list is the first major attempt to rank the energy efficiency of HPC systems. However, its main weakness is again the focus on a single, highly compute bound algorithm. Moreover, its method of extrapolating a system’s power consumption from a single node is inherently error-prone. So far, no benchmark is available that has been developed from ground up with the explicit focus on measuring the energy efficiency of HPC clusters. We therefore introduce such a benchmark that includes transparent energy measurements with professional power analyzers. Our efforts are based on well-established standards (C, POSIX-IO and MPI) to ensure a broad applicability. Our well-defined and comprehensible workloads can be used to, e.g. compare the efficiency of HPC systems or to track the effects of power saving mechanisms that can hardly be understood by running regular applications due to their overwhelming complexity.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationComputer Science - Research and Development
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Title2nd International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing
Abbreviated titleEnA-HPC 2011
Conference number2
Duration7 - 11 September 2011
Degree of recognitionInternational event
LocationMövenpick Hotel Hamburg

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-8491-770X/work/141543264
ORCID /0009-0003-0666-4166/work/151475558


Sustainable Development Goals


  • benchmark, energy efficiency, workload generation, high performance computing, power consumption