Doped organic semiconductor material and method for production thereof

Research output: Intellectual Property › Patent application/Patent


  • Novaled GmbH


The invention relates to a doped organic semiconductor material with increased charge carrier density and more effective charge carrier mobility, which may be obtained by doping an organic semiconductor material with a chemical compound comprising one or several organic molecular groups (A) and at least one further compound partner (B). The desired doping effect is achieved after cleavage of at least one organic molecular group (A) from the chemical compound by means of at least one organic molecular group (A) or by means of the product of a reaction of at least one molecular group (A) with another atom or molecule.


The invention relates to a doped organic semiconductor material with increased charge carrier density and more effective charge carrier mobility, which may be obtained by doping an organic semiconductor material with a chemical compound comprising one or several organic molecular groups (A) and at least one further compound partner (B). The desired doping effect is achieved after cleavage of at least one organic molecular group (A) from the chemical compound by means of at least one organic molecular group (A) or by means of the product of a reaction of at least one molecular group (A) with another atom or molecule.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 30 A N
Patent numberUS2005040390
Priority date20 Feb 2003
Priority numberWO2003DE00558
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2005
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