DMD genomic deletions characterize a subset of progressive/higher-grade meningiomas with poor outcome

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Tareq A. Juratli - , Department of Neurosurgery (Author)
  • Devin McCabe - (Author)
  • Naema Nayyar - (Author)
  • Erik A. Williams - (Author)
  • Ian M. Silverman - (Author)
  • Shilpa S. Tummala - (Author)
  • Alexandria L. Fink - (Author)
  • Aymen Baig - (Author)
  • Maria Martinez-Lage - (Author)
  • Martin K. Selig - (Author)
  • Ivanna V. Bihun - (Author)
  • Ganesh M. Shankar - (Author)
  • Tristan Penson - (Author)
  • Matthew Lastrapes - (Author)
  • Dirk Daubner - (Author)
  • Matthias Meinhardt - , Institute of Pathology (Author)
  • Silke Hennig - (Author)
  • Alexander B. Kaplan - (Author)
  • Shingo Fujio - (Author)
  • Benjamin M. Kuter - (Author)
  • Mia S. Bertalan - (Author)
  • Julie J. Miller - (Author)
  • Julie M. Batten - (Author)
  • Heather A. Ely - (Author)
  • Jason Christiansen - (Author)
  • Gustavo B. Baretton - , Institute of Pathology (Author)
  • Anat O. Stemmer-Rachamimov - (Author)
  • Sandro Santagata - (Author)
  • Miguel N. Rivera - (Author)
  • II Fred G. Barker - (Author)
  • Gabriele Schackert - (Author)
  • Hiroaki Wakimoto - (Author)
  • A. John Iafrate - (Author)
  • Scott L. Carter - (Author)
  • Daniel P. Cahill - (Author)
  • Priscilla K. Brastianos - (Author)


Original languageUndefined
JournalActa neuropathologica
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2018

External IDs

Scopus 85052077325
