Die Türken in Wörterbüchern des 15.-17. Jahrhunderts

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportChapter in book/Anthology/ReportContributedpeer-review


The paper analyses the construction of the Turks in works of collective knowledge from the 15th to the 17th centuries. It takes into account bilingual Latin-German as well as German-language dictionaries. It asks whether and, if so, how they participate in a specific way in a discourse of enmity that developed in the course of the Ottoman expansion from the 15th century onwards. The works of collective knowledge participate in three historical-semantic fields: political, socio-cultural and religious semantics, whose key terms are tyranny, barbarism and unbelief, or false faith respectively. In their combination, they unfold a complete invective image of the Turks. By means of the concept of affordance, we profile the specific performance of lexicographical works in processes of enmity and othering.

Translated title of the contribution
The Turks in dictionaries of the 15th-17th centuries


Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationInternational Journal of Lexicography 38
EditorsA. Lobenstein-Reichmann
Publisherde Gruyter
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2022

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-3569-5936/work/142233666
Scopus 85143276789
Mendeley 72665346-3de2-30f8-95e3-90cd97640478



  • 15-17 -century Latin-German dictionaries, Construction of the Turks, stereotypes, barbary, tyranny, unbelief