Design, test and characteristics of 10 kV IGCTs

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportConference contributionContributedpeer-review



This paper describes the design, experimental investigations and the characteristics of 10 kV IGCTs for 6 kV-7.2 kV applications. Compared to a series connection of two or three IGCTs and inverse diodes in a three level neutral point clamped voltage source converter 10 kV IGCTs and diodes offer several attractive characteristics such as drastically increased reliability due to a substantially reduced component count, a simpler and more compact mechanical and thermal design and thus reduced converter costs. The design of 10 kV IGCTs as well as the test set up are discussed. Measurements of the blocking-, on-state- and switching behaviour are the basis for a detailed description of the device performance. The technology trade off of 10 kV IGCTs is addressed to enable an application specific optimization of the IGCT design for low and high switching frequency applications (e.g. railway interties and medium voltage drives).


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication38th IAS Annual Meeting on Conference Record of the Industry Applications Conference, 2003.
Number of pages8
ISBN (print)0-7803-7883-0
Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2003


Title38th IAS Annual Meeting on Conference Record of the Industry Applications Conference, 2003.
Duration12 - 16 October 2003
LocationSalt Lake City, UT, USA

External IDs

Scopus 0242508296



  • Testing, Thyristors, Medium voltage, Switches, Power conversion, Pulse width modulation converters, Stability, Semiconductor diodes, Rail transportation, Switching converters