Crystal electric field and properties of 4f magnetic moments at the surface of the rare-earth compound TbRh2Si2

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Artem V. Tarasov - , Saint-Petersburg State University (Author)
  • Daria Glazkova - , Saint-Petersburg State University (Author)
  • Susanne Schulz - , Chair of Ultrafast Solid State Physics and Photonics, Professor (rtd.) for Surface Physics (Author)
  • Georg Poelchen - , Chair of Surface Physics (Author)
  • Kristin Kliemt - , University Hospital Frankfurt (Author)
  • Alexej Kraiker - , University Hospital Frankfurt (Author)
  • Matthias Muntwiler - , Paul Scherrer Institute (Author)
  • Clemens Laubschat - , Professor (rtd.) for Surface Physics (Author)
  • Alexander Generalov - , Lund University (Author)
  • Craig Polley - , Lund University (Author)
  • Cornelius Krellner - , University Hospital Frankfurt (Author)
  • Denis V. Vyalikh - , Donostia International Physics Center (Author)
  • Dmitry Yu. Usachov - , Saint-Petersburg State University (Author)


The crystal electric field (CEF) plays an essential role in defining the magnetic properties of 4⁢𝑓 materials. It forces the charge density of 4⁢𝑓 electrons and the related magnetic moment to be oriented along a certain direction in the crystal. The CEF and related magnetic properties were widely studied in the past with focus on bulk of 4⁢𝑓 materials, while their surfaces have not received much attention. By the example of the antiferromagnetic material TbRh2⁢Si2 and using first-principles calculations and classical 4⁢𝑓 angle-resolved photoemission (PE) measurements, we show how the CEF and related magnetic properties, linked with the orientation of 4⁢𝑓 moments, are modified at the surface region. Precisely, we studied the CEF characteristics in individual Tb layers for Tb- and Si-terminated surfaces of TbRh2⁢Si2. We show how strongly the CEF changes near the surface and how dramatically it influences the orientation of the 4⁢𝑓 moments relative to the bulk. The instructive message of our study is that a rather valuable information about the CEF-related phenomena can be derived from the temperature dependence of 4⁢𝑓 PE spectra. The presented methodology including the theoretical approach can be further applied to many other layered and quasi-2D rare-earth-based materials for unveiling their surface magnetic properties.


Original languageEnglish
Article number155136
Number of pages12
JournalPhysical Review: B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2022

External IDs

Scopus 85140722826


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