Corrigendum to “Aqueous alkaline–acid hybrid electrolyte for zinc-bromine battery with 3V voltage window” [Energy Storage Materials Volume 19, May 2019, Pages 56-61] (Energy Storage Materials (2019) 19 (56–61), (S2405829718312601), (10.1016/j.ensm.2019.02.024))

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationCorrections (errata and retractions)peer-review


  • Feng Yu - , Queensland University of Technology (Author)
  • Le Pang - , Queensland University of Technology (Author)
  • Xiaoxiang Wang - , Queensland University of Technology (Author)
  • Eric R. Waclawik - , Queensland University of Technology (Author)
  • Faxing Wang - , Chair of Molecular Functional Materials (cfaed) (Author)
  • Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov - , Queensland University of Technology (Author)
  • Hongxia Wang - , Queensland University of Technology (Author)


I realized I forget to mark Dr. Faxing Wang as the second corresponding author in this paper. Prof. Hongxia Wang and Dr. Faxing Wang conceived and designed the project. I performed the experiments. Prof. Hongxia Wang, Dr. Faxing Wang and I co-wrote the paper. Dr. Faxing Wang is the second corresponding author. So here we would like to make a correction for this error. All authors agree with this correction. “The original version of this Article did not acknowledge Faxing Wang as a corresponding author, which has now been corrected. In the corrected version, Dr. Faxing Wang is the second corresponding author in this paper.” Feng Yua, Le Panga, Xiaoxiang Wanga, Eric R.


Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
JournalEnergy storage materials
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023
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