Breitbandausbau in ländlichen Gebieten - Finanzierung, Förderung und Analyse von Ausbauprojekten

Research output: Types of thesisOther theses


Without any doubt efficient broadband infrastructures are essential to ensure a quick and secure data transfer in Germany. There is a high impact of fast access networks relating to success and productivity of companies and quality of life of private individuals. The importance of the nationwide network expansion is substantiated by the ambitious goals of the German government. A particular challenge is supplying certain rural areas, which are affected by a low density of population. As a market driven expansion fails in some of these regions, government measures and delivery is necessary in order to assure a nationwide coverage with broadband internet. This Bachelor thesis deals with various ways of financing and funding of areas which have to cope with market failure. The main focus is on programs for broadband delivery by the European Union, the federal level and particular programs of the single federal states. Especially in Saxony projects of infrastructure roll-out during the years from 2007 to 2013 are analyzed. In this context five founded rural districts are researched in order to identify possible inefficiencies during the planning- and implementation phase. Gained awareness will contribute to the assessment of whether the expansion of networks in Saxony was managed in an economic and sustainable way. In addition, recommendations for future funding periods are derived. Part of those is the adjustment of the delivery conditions and a greater involvement of the demand side by raising the awareness of the value high performance broadband infrastructure provides to society.


Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Stopka, Ulrike, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 2014
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Thesis



  • Breitbandausbau, Finanzierung, Analyse, Förderungbroadband internet, broadband expansion (network, infrastructure), deliveryrn(funding), financing, market failure, density, Saxony