Bat teeth illuminate the diversification of mammalian tooth classes

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Alexa Sadier - , University of California at Los Angeles (Author)
  • Neal Anthwal - , University of California at Los Angeles, King's College London (KCL) (Author)
  • Andrew L. Krause - , University of Oxford (Author)
  • Renaud Dessalles - , University of California at Los Angeles, Greenshield (Author)
  • Michael Lake - , California NanoSystems Institute (Author)
  • Laurent A. Bentolila - , California NanoSystems Institute (Author)
  • Robert Haase - , Clusters of Excellence PoL: Physics of Life (Author)
  • Natalie A. Nieves - , University of California at Los Angeles (Author)
  • Sharlene E. Santana - , University of Washington (Author)
  • Karen E. Sears - , University of California at Los Angeles (Author)


Tooth classes are an innovation that has contributed to the evolutionary success of mammals. However, our understanding of the mechanisms by which tooth classes diversified remain limited. We use the evolutionary radiation of noctilionoid bats to show how the tooth developmental program evolved during the adaptation to new diet types. Combining morphological, developmental and mathematical modeling approaches, we demonstrate that tooth classes develop through independent developmental cascades that deviate from classical models. We show that the diversification of tooth number and size is driven by jaw growth rate modulation, explaining the rapid gain/loss of teeth in this clade. Finally, we mathematically model the successive appearance of tooth buds, supporting the hypothesis that growth acts as a key driver of the evolution of tooth number and size. Our work reveal how growth, by tinkering with reaction/diffusion processes, drives the diversification of tooth classes and other repeated structure during adaptive radiations.


Original languageEnglish
Article number4687
Number of pages11
JournalNature communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Aug 2023

External IDs

PubMed 37607943