An Agile Tile-based Platform for Adaptive Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems

Research output: Contribution to conferencesPaperContributedpeer-review


Computing heterogeneity is a crucial demand for today's systems-on-chip requirements. Current many-core computing architectures feature a scalable number of heterogeneous compute units supporting a wide range of application domains. However, supporting both heterogeneity and computing scalability brings significant design challenges related to on-chip communication between heterogeneous components and run-time management. This leads to growing design time, development cost, and lack of hardware modularity and re-usability. This PhD work aims to develop and design a modular and adaptive hardware platform for realizing different types and taxonomies of heterogeneous many-core systems targeting FPGAs reusing the same hardware components. The proposed platform is based on a modular and scalable tile-based architecture supporting heterogeneous instruction set architectures (ISAs), seamless integration of custom hardware accelerators and several memory hierarchies. In this paper, the proposed tile-based platform, preliminary results, and evaluation are presented targeting FPGAs. Finally, planned and future works are highlighted.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022


TitleInternational Conference for Field Programmable Technology
Abbreviated titleFPT22
Conference number
Duration5 - 9 December 2022
LocationHong Kong SAR, China
CityHong Kong

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-2571-8441/work/142240546
Scopus 85145593905



  • Reconfigurable computing, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), heterogeneous many-core architectures