An Agenda for Open Science in Communication

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Tobias Dienlin - , University of Hohenheim (Author)
  • Niklas Johannes - , University of Glasgow, Radboud University Nijmegen, Texas Tech University (Author)
  • Nicholas David Bowman - , Texas Tech University (Author)
  • Philipp K. Masur - , Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Author)
  • Sven Engesser - , Chair of Media and Communication/Science and Technology Communication (Author)
  • Anna Sophie Kümpel - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Author)
  • Josephine Lukito - , University of Wisconsin-Madison (Author)
  • Lindsey M. Bier - , University of Southern California (Author)
  • Renwen Zhang - , Northwestern University (Author)
  • Benjamin K. Johnson - , University of Florida (Author)
  • Richard Huskey - , University of California at Davis, University of Mannheim (Author)
  • Frank M. Schneider - , University of Mannheim (Author)
  • Johannes Breuer - , Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Author)
  • Douglas A. Parry - , University of Stellenbosch, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) (Author)
  • Ivar Vermeulen - , Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) (Author)
  • Jacob T. Fisher - , University of California at Santa Barbara (Author)
  • Jaime Banks - , Texas Tech University (Author)
  • René Weber - , University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Bath (Author)
  • David A. Ellis - , University of Bath (Author)
  • Tim Smits - , KU Leuven (Author)
  • James D. Ivory - , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Author)
  • Sabine Trepte - , DePaul University (Author)
  • Bree McEwan - , University of Hohenheim (Author)
  • Eike Mark Rinke - , University of Leeds (Author)
  • German Neubaum - , University of Koblenz (Author)
  • Stephan Winter - , University of Duisburg-Essen (Author)
  • Christopher J. Carpenter - , Western Illinois University (Author)
  • Nicole Krämer - , University of Duisburg-Essen (Author)
  • Sonja Utz - , University of Tübingen, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (Author)
  • Julian Unkel - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Author)
  • Xiaohui Wang - , Hong Kong Baptist University (Author)
  • Brittany I. Davidson - , Nanyang Technological University (Author)
  • Nuri Kim - , University of Bristol (Author)
  • Andrea Stevenson Won - , Cornell University (Author)
  • Emese Domahidi - , Ilmenau University of Technology (Author)
  • Neil A. Lewis - , Cornell University (Author)
  • Claes de Vreese - , University of Amsterdam (Author)


In the last 10 years, many canonical findings in the social sciences appear unreliable. This so-called “replication crisis” has spurred calls for open science practices, which aim to increase the reproducibility, replicability, and generalizability of findings. Communication research is subject to many of the same challenges that have caused low replicability in other fields. As a result, we propose an agenda for adopting open science practices in Communication, which includes the following seven suggestions: (1) publish materials, data, and code; (2) preregister studies and submit registered reports; (3) conduct replications; (4) collaborate; (5) foster open science skills; (6) implement Transparency and Openness Promotion Guidelines; and (7) incentivize open science practices. Although in our agenda we focus mostly on quantitative research, we also reflect on open science practices relevant to qualitative research. We conclude by discussing potential objections and concerns associated with open science practices.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1–26
JournalJournal of communication
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0001-7184-4057/work/156337672



  • Communication, Open Science, Preregistration, Registered Reports, Replicability, Reproducibility