Abscheiden einer Schicht aus dotiertem organischen Material auf einem Substrat

Research output: Intellectual property › Patent application/Patent


  • Ansgar Werner - (Inventor)
  • Karl Leo - , Chair of Opto-Electronics (Inventor)
  • Horst Boettcher - (Inventor)
  • Dieter Woehrle - (Inventor)
  • Carolin Thiel - (Inventor)
  • Michael Wark - (Inventor)
  • Novaled GmbH


The method involves transforming a mixture of a matrix material and a doping material provided in a common evaporation source into a vapor phase by the supply of heat energy. The transformed mixture is deposited onto the substrate. The matrix material or the doping material is inserted into a porous carrier substance such as an organic or inorganic substance, before being transformed into the vapor phase.

Translated title of the contribution
Deposition of a doped organic material on a substrate


The method involves transforming a mixture of a matrix material and a doping material provided in a common evaporation source into a vapor phase by the supply of heat energy. The transformed mixture is deposited onto the substrate. The matrix material or the doping material is inserted into a porous carrier substance such as an organic or inorganic substance, before being transformed into the vapor phase.

Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 40 A I
Patent numberEP1783846
Priority date28 Oct 2005
Priority numberEP20050023595
Publication statusPublished - 9 May 2007
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