A new Grid-stabilizing Component: A Flywheel Energy Storage System based on a Doubly Fed Induction Generator and Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter

Research output: Contribution to conferencesPaperContributedpeer-review


The increasing share of renewable energy sources causes a reduction of inertia provided by conventional synchronous generators to the grid. To enable a stable operation in converter dominated grids a replacement of the inertial response of synchronous generators is required. This paper introduces a new energy storage system for high power, which provides synthetic inertia by charging or discharging a flywheel connected to a doubly fed induction generator. The authors discuss why the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (M3C) is an attractive topology to drive the flywheel. Experimental results of a downscaled 10 kVA test bench with a M3C containing 108 submodules verify the function of the new energy storage system. on a downscaled 10 kVA test bench with a 108 submodule M3C.


Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 3 Mar 2023


Title19th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission
Abbreviated titleACDC 2023
Conference number19
Duration1 - 3 March 2023
LocationUniversity of Strathclyde
CountryUnited Kingdom

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-8167-4589/work/144249742
Scopus 85174652785


Sustainable Development Goals

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