A comparison of conventional surfactant treatment and partial liquid ventilation on the lung volume of injured ventilated small lungs

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Hans Proquitté - , Department of Dermatology, Allergy and Venereology (Author)
  • Sebastian Hartenstein - , Department of Dermatology, Allergy and Venereology (Author)
  • Uwe Koelsch - , Department of Dermatology, Allergy and Venereology (Author)
  • Roland R. Wauer - , Department of Dermatology, Allergy and Venereology (Author)
  • Mario Rüdiger - , Department of Paediatrics, Center for feto/neonatal Health (Author)
  • Gerd Schmalisch - , Department of Dermatology, Allergy and Venereology (Author)


As an alternative to surfactant therapy (ST), partial liquid ventilation (PLV) with perfluorocarbons (PFC) has been considered as a treatment for acute lung injury (ALI) in newborns. The instilled PFC is much heavier than the instilled surfactant and the aim of this study was to investigate whether PLV, compared to ST, increases the end-expiratory volume of the lung (VL). Fifteen newborn piglets (age <12 h, mean weight 678 g) underwent saline lung lavage to achieve a surfactant depletion. Thereafter animals were randomized to PLV (n = 8), receiving PFC PF5080 (3M, Germany) at 30 mL kg-1, and ST (n = 7) receiving 120 mg Curosurf®. Blood gases, hemodynamics and static compliance were measured initially (baseline), immediately after ALI, and after 240 min mechanical ventilation with either technique. Subsequently all piglets were killed; the lungs were removed in toto and frozen in liquid N2. After freeze-drying the lungs were cut into lung cubes (LCs) with edge lengths of 0.7 cm, to calculate VL. All LCs were weighed and the density of the dried lung tissue was calculated. No statistically significant differences between treatment groups PLV and ST (means ± SD) were noted in body weight (676 ± 16 g versus 679 ± 17 g; P = 0.974) or lung dry weight (1.64 ± 0.29 g versus 1.79 ± 0.48 g; P = 0.48). Oxygenation index and ventilatory efficacy index did not differ significantly between both groups at any time. VL (34.28 ± 6.13 mL versus 26.22 ± 8.1 mL; P < 0.05) and the density of the dried lung tissue (48.07 ± 5.02 mg mL-1 versus 69.07 ± 5.30 mg mL-1; P < 0.001), however, differed significantly between the PLV and ST groups. A 4 h PLV treatment of injured ventilated small lungs increased VL by 30% and decreased lung density by 31% compared to ST treatment, indicating greater lung distension after PLV compared to ST.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)915-924
Number of pages10
JournalPhysiological Measurement
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013

External IDs

Scopus 84881526348
PubMed 23893018



  • animal, mechanical ventilation, neonate, perfluorocarbon, surfactant, total lung volume