LandesinnovationspromotionPrize: Fellow/scholarship › PhD Scholarships RecipientsChristiane Kothe - , Chair of Sustainable Building Construction Descriptiongefördert durch den Freistaat Sachsen mit Mitteln aus dem europäischen Sozialfond, Programm: Europa fördert SachsenAwarded date1 Apr 2009Degree of recognitionLocalGranting OrganisationsSächsische Aufbaubank KeywordsResearch priority areas of TU DresdenMaterials Science and EngineeringDFG Classification of Subject Areas according to Review BoardsArchitecture, Building and Construction History, Construction Research, Sustainable Building TechnologyStructural Engineering, Building Informatics and Construction OperationSubject groups, research areas, subject areas according to DestatisCivil Engineering (general)Constructive Civil EngineeringSustainable Development GoalsSDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure