Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN)
Organisational unit: Competence centre
Organisation profile
The Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN) serves to the TU Dresden and partnering scientific institutions under the roof of (but not limited to) the DRESDEN-concept research alliance as central user facility for the structural and chemical characterization of modern materials down to the nanometer scale (and beyond).
It aims at gaining synergies by centralizing the access to expensive high-end scientific tools in the field of microscopy in particular with electrons, ions and X-rays including modern in-situ techniques to foster internationally recognized materials research. The DCN offers a modern infrastructure with highly specialized ultra-low-noise laboratories, state-of-the-art equipment and the indispensable know-how.
Besides the conduction of nano-analytical service measurements and the provision of user training and education, the DCN strives for own methodological developments. It pursues own research in the field of materials science and offers its know-how and infrastructure as a partner in common research projects thereby strengthening the research landscape of the TU Dresdeb in the natural, materials, and engineering sciences.
- Phone: +49-351-463-41093
- Email: linda.luther@tu-dresden.de
- TUD website: https://cfaed.tu-dresden.de/dcn