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8429 Journals
  1. TechTrends : for leaders in education & training

    ISSNs: 8756-3894

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1559-7075

    Springer, Boston [u. a.]

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 5.7 SJR 0.871 SNIP 1.482


  2. Tecnoscienza

    ISSNs: 2038-3460

    STS Italia

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 1 SJR 0.106 SNIP 0.05

    Indexed in DOAJ


  3. Tectonics

    ISSNs: 0278-7407

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1944-9194

    Wiley, Hoboken

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 7.7 SJR 1.662 SNIP 1.218


  4. Tectonophysics : international journal of geotectonics and the geology and physics of the interior of the earth

    ISSNs: 0040-1951

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1879-3266

    Elsevier Science B.V.

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 4.9 SJR 1.117 SNIP 1.036


  5. Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku = Technical gazette : scientific professional journal of technical faculties of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

    ISSNs: 1330-3651

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1848-6339

    Strojarski Facultet, Sveuciliste Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeki

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.9 SJR 0.262 SNIP 0.452

    Indexed in DOAJ


  6. Tekst y Diskurs

    ISSNs: 2720-4332, 1899-0983

    Uniw. Warszawski, Inst. Germanistyki, Poland


  7. Telecommunications policy : the international journal on knowledge infrastructure development, management and regulation

    ISSNs: 0308-5961

    Elsevier, New York [u. a.]

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 10.8 SJR 1.647 SNIP 2.329


  8. Telecommunication systems : modeling, analysis, design and management

    ISSNs: 1018-4864

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1572-9451

    Springer, Dordrecht [u. a.], Netherlands

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 5.4 SJR 0.632 SNIP 0.812


  9. Telematics and Informatics

    ISSNs: 0736-5853

    Elsevier, Oxford [u.a.]

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 17 SJR 1.827 SNIP 2.426


  10. Telemedicine and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association

    ISSNs: 1530-5627

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1556-3669

    Mary Ann Liebert Publishers, Larchmont

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 8.8 SJR 1.074 SNIP 1.174
