Data Underpinning: Correlated proton disorder in the crystal structure of the double hydroxide perovskite CuSn(OH)₆
Dataset: Other datasets
Persons and affiliations
- Darren Campbell Peets - , Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Collaborative Research Center 1143 Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration To Topology (Creator)
- Anton Kulbakov - , Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics (Producer)
- Ellen Häußler - , Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II (Developer)
- Kaushick Krishnakanta Parui - , Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics (Data Collector)
- Aswathi Mannathanath Chakkingal - , Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Collaborative Research Center 1143 Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration To Topology (Data Collector)
- Nikolai Pavlovskii - , Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (Data Collector)
- Vladimir Pomjakushin - , ETH Zurich, Paul Scherrer Institute (Data Manager)
- Laura Cañadillas-Delgado - , ILL - Institut Laue-Langevin (Data Manager)
- Thomas C. Hansen - , ILL - Institut Laue-Langevin (Data Manager)
- Thomas Doert - , Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II, Collaborative Research Center 1143 Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration To Topology, Clusters of Excellence ct.qmat: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (Data Manager)
- Dmytro Inosov - , Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Clusters of Excellence ct.qmat: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter, Collaborative Research Center 1143 Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration To Topology (Data Manager)
- Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat