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Rethinking Relations: Michel Serres and the Environmental Humanities

Activity: Organising or participating in an eventOrganising an event


9 Nov 202212 Nov 2022


This conference is dedicated to interdisciplinary dialogues between the environmental humanities and the boundary-defying work of the late philosopher of science Michel Serres. Committed to the incessant circulations between nature and culture, the global and the local, the natural sciences and the humanities, Michel Serres’ books provide an evocative cartography for rethinking the relations among humans, environments, technology, and knowledge, especially in times of eco-systemic disruption and uncertainty. This conference extends an invitation to think beyond and with Serres in relation to disciplines and fields that include media studies, design, literature, history, classics, sociology, philosophy, and psychology.


TitleRethinking Relations: Michel Serres and the Environmental Humanities
Abbreviated titleRethinking Relations
Duration9 - 12 November 2022
Degree of recognitionInternational event
LocationTU Dresden


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