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Migration from previous system (Event)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work

Persons and affiliations




Type: Buchherausgeberschaft
Title: ZAA Monograph Series (Mitherausgeberschaft Buchreihe)
Title description: This series has been conceptualised for the publication of essay collections and outstanding dissertations from the entire spectrum of English and U.S. American literature, language and culture. Of particular interest are developments concerning new literatures in English, the development of linguistic varieties outside Britain and the U.S.A., the culture of ethnic minorities and also the relationship between anglophone and neighbouring cultures. The series’ editors will also welcome manuscripts which examine theoretical and interdisciplinary issues affecting literary, linguistic and socio-cultural research. The ZAA Monograph series, like its predecessor, the ZAA Studies, will thus grow into a scholarly corpus of seminal contributions to English and U.S. American Studies.
Year: 2012
Comment: Neuerscheinung
Publisher: Königshausen & Neumann
Place of Publication: Würzburg


TitleMigration from previous system
Duration1 October 2021



  • Anglistik, Amerikanistik, Anglistik, Amerikanistik