Dresdner Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik (Journal)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work
Persons and affiliations
- Werner Esswein - , Chair of Business Informatics, esp Systems Engineering (Editor)
- Andreas Hilbert - , Chair of Business Informatics (Editor)
- Eric Schoop - , Chair of Business Informatics, esp Information Management (Editor)
- Susanne Strahringer - , Chair of Business Information Systems, esp. Information Systems in Industry and Trade (Editor)
Type: TagungsbandTitle: Tagungsband des Zwölften Interuniversitären Doktorandenseminares der Universitäten Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Jena, Leipzig
Year: 2010
Place of Publication: Dresden
Research priority areas of TU Dresden
DFG Classification of Subject Areas according to Review Boards
Subject groups, research areas, subject areas according to Destatis
Sustainable Development Goals
- Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik