Session 20: Displays, sensors, and MEMS - biosensors and 3D hetero integration

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This session is integrating two topics. We start with three papers on biosensors and continue with three papers on 3D integration. The first paper by Shoma Kuga from Waseda University is about a detection method for single mismatched DNA on functionalized diamond. It provides a method to detect biomolecules in contact with electrolytic solutions. The second paper by Anuj Dhawan from a collaboration of Duke University and Appalachian University, is about a field enhancement method to achieve an amplified Raman scattering signal in chemical and biological sensing. The bio-part of the session concludes with a simulation study on screening-induced performance limits of nanowire biosensors by Yang Liu of Stanford University. The 3D integration part of the session starts with an invited presentation by Eric Beyne from IMEC and provides progress in different 3D stacking technologies for heterogeneous integration of different application architectures. Both a face-to-face method with microbumps and a 3D stacking method using through-Silicon-via technology are discussed in detail. The fifth paper by Takafumi Fukushima from Tohoku University reports on a self-assembly method for highly parallel 3D integration in heterogeneous applications. The final paper of this session by Fei Fang from Shangai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology presents a vertically integrated and highly parallel probe card to solve the important wafer-level test problem important in modern heterogeneous integration technologies.


Titel2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
Herausgeber (Verlag)IEEE
ISBN (Print)978-1-4244-2378-1
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 17 Dez. 2008


Titel2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
Dauer15 - 17 Dezember 2008
OrtSan Francisco, CA, USA

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-0757-3325/work/139064828
Scopus 64549130772



  • Biosensors, Three dimensional displays, Micromechanical devices, Stacking, DNA, Molecular biophysics, Collaboration, Raman scattering, Chemicals, Biological system modeling