Relative and absolute socioeconomic inequality in smoking: time trends in Germany from 1995 to 2013

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftForschungsartikelBeigetragenBegutachtung


  • Thaddäus Tönnies - , Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf (Autor:in)
  • Hermann Pohlabeln - , Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie (Autor:in)
  • Martin Eichler - , Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Universitäts KrebsCentrum Dresden, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Technische Universität Dresden (Autor:in)
  • Hajo Zeeb - , Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie, Universität Bremen (Autor:in)
  • Tilman Brand - , Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie (Autor:in)


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate time trends in relative and absolute socioeconomic inequality in smoking prevalence in Germany using several indicators for socioeconomic position. Methods: We conducted a repeated cross-sectional study using representative samples of the German population aged between 25 and 64 years in 1995, 1999, 2005, 2009, and 2013 (n = 857,264). Socioeconomic position was measured by indicators for income, education, and occupation. Relative and absolute socioeconomic inequalities were estimated with the regression-based relative index of inequality and the slope index of inequality, respectively. Trends in inequalities were estimated with interaction terms for time and relative index of inequality/slope index of inequality. Results: Highest and increasing smoking prevalence was observed among long-term unemployed and people with less than 60% of the median household income. Between 1995 and 2013, relative increases in inequalities in smoking prevalence ranged from 31% (95% confidence interval, 26%–36%; men, occupation) to 94% (95% confidence interval, 84%–104%; women, education). Absolute increases ranged from 6.2 (95% confidence interval, 4.7–7.6) percentage points (men, occupation) to 20.3 (95% confidence interval, 18.9–21.7) percentage points (women, education). Conclusions: Relative and absolute socioeconomic inequalities in smoking prevalence increased in Germany between 1995 and 2013, with regard to income, education, and occupation, particularly among women.


Seiten (von - bis)89-94.e2
Fachzeitschrift Annals of epidemiology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Jan. 2021

Externe IDs

PubMed 32920099
ORCID /0000-0001-9654-2207/work/142254147


ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete


  • Education, Germany, Health disparities, Health inequalities, Income, Occupation, Smoking epidemic, Smoking prevalence