Próby sycenia preform z włókien węglowych modyfikowanym stopem AlSi9Cu(Fe)

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftForschungsartikelBeigetragenBegutachtung



In last years more and more research centers leads works on aluminium matrix composites reinforcement with carbon fibres (AlMMC/CF). That kind of materials characterize high stiffness, specific strength as well as low coefficient of thermal expansion and high coefficient of thermal and electric conductivity. Potential area of application them could be aerospace, automotive, and also electronic industry. Main problem in process of production aluminium matrix composites is reactivity and wettability into Al-C system. Improper wetting and chemical reaction at interface boundary could be a reason of degra-dation mechanical properties of the composite. After through modifications of alloy matrix and surface of reinforced fibres it were been possible to get conditions of best's connection between matrix and fibre in liquid phases processes. The aluminium alloys used for composites must have appropriate strength. Carbon fibres are characterized by a high elasticity modulus (from 250 to 400 GPa) with deformation until failure of 13%. To take advantage of the strength, the matrix must show deforma-tion higher than that of the fibres. In addition, from the point of view of the liquid-phase technology, the aluminium alloy matrix should be characterized by low viscosity, high surface tension and low reactivity with carbon. Al-Si alloys fulfill this condition. However, they contain at least 7% Si and have low plastic properties (total strain does not exceed 5%), and the composite is characterized by high brittleness. Modification of base alloy AlSi9Cu(Fe), was aim of realized investigations in the point of view utilization them in conditions of process of gas infiltration 2D CF textile (woven preform made on HTS 40 A23 12K fibres). As preliminary criterion of evaluation of the modification the range of solidification temperature was accepted as well as results of test of castability. However realized of infiltration test was technological verification at ILK TU Dresden. The obtained plate had a regular shape, without casting defects on its surface. On metallographic specimens, good filling of the space between fibres with the matrix metal and a continuous connection on the fibres-matrix interface were observed. The obtained research results justify the application of nickel coatings on the fibres, which, coupled with suitable alloy modification, should enable obtaining a composite which will meet the project assumptions including, first of all, appro-priate technological and strength properties. Presented results are part of realized investigations in project "3D-textile rein-forced aliminium matrix composites (3D-CF/Al-MMC) for complex stressed components in automobile applications and me-chanical engineering” in frames of programme DFG.
Titel in Übersetzung
Infiltration test of carbon fibre textiles by modified AlSi9Cu(Fe) alloy


Seiten (von - bis)210-213
FachzeitschriftKompozyty = Composites
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-1370-064X/work/142243541



  • aluminium matrix composites (AlMMC), carbon fibres, wettability, modification of base alloy