Opportunities arising from digital twins in gear development: Automatic contact pattern correction for bevel gears

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In gear development and research, application oriented quality control and simulation validation are playing an important role. One of the main efforts is to explicitly connect the simulated loadbearing capacities to the diverse damage characteristics occurring in various use cases. A first step in this direction was taken with the development of the software GEEVAL (Gear Experiment Evaluation and VALidation Tool), a program developed by the FVA (Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik), which enables the automatic mapping of 2D photo data onto a virtual 3D gear via photogrammetry. This allows for a straightforward and consistent comparison between occurring damage and the predicted damage from simulation data, which is calculated on the same domain. Nevertheless, the future challenge remains in the development of more advanced evaluation and analysis methodologies. This requires for an approach that allows the full integration of digital and simulative observations with the physical gear. The use of a virtual counterpart, the digital twin, facilitates the creation of a link between all available information. This provides a feedback loop that is not yet available in the gear development process. The aim is to implement a universally valid but simulation-centred digital twin in gear development. To put a focus on the opportunities that arise from this validation and evaluation framework, a BECAL module for the tooth contact analysis on bevel gears is integrated. This enables new applications in the gear product life cycle. One aspect of application points out the practical use in gearbox assembly for bevel gears. A correct contact pattern position is a prerequisite for ensuring the designed loadbearing capacities. However, the manual contact pattern check is dependent on the subjective impression of the inspector and is therefore sensitive to errors. By integrating an automatic correction of the contact pattern, a useful addition to the mounting process of bevel gears can be provided.

Titel in Übersetzung
Durch Digitale Zwillinge entstehende Chancen in der Getriebeentwicklung
Automatische Tragbildkorrektur


PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2023


TitelInternational Conference on Gears 2023
Dauer13 - 15 September 2023
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtTechnische Universität München

Externe IDs

Scopus 85174714657
Mendeley 6c0e642f-5a9f-3b31-b044-76377b32e096


ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete


  • Bevel Gears, Contact Pattern Correction, Digital Twin, Digitaler Zwilling, Kegelräder, Photogrammetrie, Photogrammetry, Tragbildkorrektur